Feature rich, Proteus’ CCU208 control unit has twin integral joysticks for camera control and crawler maneuverability, and an ergonomic soft-touch keypad. User friendly multi-function hot keys control an intuitive on-screen display, to enable quick and accurate navigation of the numerous features which all come standard on the brain of the Proteus system. The control unit also has a DB9 serial port, dual BNC video connections and WiFi capability allowing it to be paired with a rackmount or laptop computer for use with pipeline inspection software.
Capture Footage
Grab MPEG video and JPEG images, and zoom up to 3X on video.
Enter Observations
Use optional data-entry module to log inspection findings.
Review Footage
Organize videos and images folders, then find them using the thumbnail gallery. Review media using standard controls.
Generate Reports
Use optional reporting module to create an inspection report, then transfer it to USB media for on-site delivery.
Type and store up to 16 pages of on-screen text. Customize text color, position and background color.
Control Hardware
Set sonde frequency, adjust illumination, and zero/change footage counter.
Configure Preferences
Set language and date/time; establish file formats and naming conventions; adjust camera parameters; choose interface theme and power-saving options; update firmware.